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Why Tik Tok deleted millions of videos across the world?

 Popular video-sharing social platform Tik Tok, owned by a Chinese company deleted nearly 12.5 million videos uploaded from Pakistan during the first quarter of this year due to alleged violations of the company's community guidelines.

TikTok deleted videos

According to a report on TikTok's community guidelines enforcement, Pakistan has the second highest number of videos deleted from the platform worldwide during this period.

On the other hand, the United States tops the list of countries where the most uploaded videos have been removed from the Tik Tok platform, with more than 14 million

According to the report, more than 102.3 million videos uploaded on the TikTok platform from other countries including Pakistan were removed during the current year which is against norms and based on unverified information.

All videos removed from the TikTok platform between January 1, 2022 and March 31, 2022 are estimated to be 1 percent of the videos uploaded during that period. TikTok also said that during this period its security team also focused on the war in Ukraine and removed 41,000 videos related to the war in which 87 percent were allegedly offensive and based on damaging information.

TikTok also labeled content uploaded to 49 Russian media accounts that were controlled by the state. Nighat Dad, a digital rights activist, says it is welcome that Tik Tok actively monitors content uploaded to its platform, but millions of uploaded videos are deleting from Pakistan is a concern.

TikTok was banned four times in Pakistan between October 2020 and July 2021, later the ban was lifted. Authorities in Pakistan cited alleged immoral content and complaints from some individuals as the reason for the ban. 

Nighat Dad says that one of the reasons behind the massive removal of videos uploaded from Pakistan on Tik Tok may be that Tik Tok is more sensitive about content being uploaded from Pakistan on its platform. So that he does not have to face such a situation again.

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